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Friday, December 31, 2010

End of year evaluation

There have several venues that have asked us: What was the best or worst thing that happened to you this year.So, after some thought I decided that the worst thing was that Don is still not working. Also, my pain is still with me, and the fatigue was worse this year. However, the fact that God has been with me in a greater way then ever before outweighs all the bad. I am more convinced than ever how much I am loved by the Lord!!! At no time were we short of food, nor did we get utilities shut off. We still enjoy being with each other, and with the rest of our family.
Any time I was hurting really bad, and I called to God, He immediately made me aware of His Presence and His Love! So this year has been more good than bad!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

a lazy Thursday afternoon

Well I've made it through till Thursday. Anyway. I worked today folding and hanging up and sorting clothes. I'm tired of going through baskets to find something to wear. So I thought I'd do as much as I could today.I got one basket totally empty. Hooray! A small victory but a victory, nevertheless. Now I'm resting, my knee is Hurting.!
Since we had snow, there've been a lot of different birds coming to our bird feeder. We saw a junco a tufted titmouse, of course our Blue Jays and Cardinals, and lots and lots of sparrows. So my husband is outside waiting for birds to come to the birdfeeder so he can take pictures of them. He takes very good pictures and he loves to work on them so they're perfect.
I finished looking and reading at my Better Homes & Gardens magazine. Sometimes they give me ideas and sometimes it all looks like too much work. I'm listening to Christmas music this afternoon like I've been for the past two weeks. One of the radio stations is playing Christmas music all day long. That is so cool. Well I can't think of anything else to say so I guess I'll close up for today.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, December 06, 2010

today is Monday. Monday is usually a hard day for me. I'm tired after I'm tired after going to church. And sometimes we do other things that day. Even though I'm tired and I hurt. I can still have a good day. It is my choice. I can choose to be depressed because I don't feel good or I can choose to be upbeat because I've been through this before. I've had bad days before, and I'll have them again, but it's my choice what I do with them. So it's a cold, snowy December day but I'm going to listen to Christmas carols and thank God that I can do that. Then I'll meditate some more on the love that he had for us to send his son as a baby so that he might be the perfect sacrifice for us. God bless you and may you have a great day.
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Monday, September 27, 2010


This morning in my devotionals I was reading 1st John. And it was talking about loving God. And how do we know when others are from God and when they're not. One of the big things that chapter talked about was if anyone can say that Jesus came in the flesh he was from God. If anyone could not say that he was not from God.
( There is a religion that is much talked about these days that does not believe that Jesus came in the flesh)
Another thing that was mentioned in this chapter of 1st John was that if we do not love our brothers and say we love God we are a liar. I remember once as a child when I was frustrated and angry of all my brothers for something they had done and I said to myself I just hate them the one I love is God. That Sunday preacher preached on this part of first John. I knew God was talking to me and I knew that I could not continue in that way of thinking so I decided to forgive my brothers and continue on. So today I'm saying that God has given us a way of knowing whether people are from him or not: do they say that Jesus came in the flesh. If they do then they are from God if they don't then they are not. And also that we are to love our brothers who we have seen, or we cannot love God we have not seen
May God give you a blessed day.

Friday, September 24, 2010

a day in the life of God's grace

This has been a rough week for me physically. I didn't feel good and I was tired and had to go the doctor and get an antibiotic.But I have been listening to a radio show about God's grace this week. I realized that by God's grace I'm still able to do things: I can sit on my porch and enjoy the warmth and the breeze and the birds and the kids in the neighborhood. I can visit with neighbors and play cards. I'm so thankful to have a husband who loves me, loves to be with me and helps take care of me. I'm also thankful to have a family that loves me. I have talked on the phone to friends and family. God has given me so much. I'm blessed so much. I'm so thankful to God for sending his son to die on the cross that I could then be adopted as his daughter

Monday, September 13, 2010


Today is Monday I have had a great weekend. Sunday it was hard to get up. But I did make it up and I went to church. I had an amazing time with Jesus, even though it was not a good day for me physically. Then we went to her daughter's house for a big family birthday party. We were celebrating three birthdays. We had a great time visiting and talking and watching the little ones play. I love these family get-togethers, they mean so much to me. I enjoyed myself so much. But today was so hard. I hurt everywhere. but you know, God helped me to relax. So that I was able to go to on the porch and enjoy the beautiful day he gave us. Then I called my sister and we talked and talked and it really helped me to get so was focusing on my pain so much. I'm so blessed to have so many people care for me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth day

Today is Earth Day. That doesn't mean a whole lot to me. I do recycle a few things, but not very much. Yesterday and today have been days of no energy. In fact I was reading a web post by another woman about how God is using her even though she is in constant pain. As I read it, I was feeling like I didn't help anyone. Then I remembered that I had this blog and that I could comfort others with the comfort that I was comforted with. So here goes. I am loved by a loving God. I mean that there is no one who loves so much. He loved me so much that He gave his son to die a horrible death so that I could be with Him for all eternity. Knowing all this helps me to know that I would not be going through all this pain and fatigue if it was not necessary. I don't know why it is necessary, but it is. So no matter how bad I feel on any given day, I can rest in His Love and He will help me through the day. I hope that you enjoy the flower pictures that I took.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I gave Blood today!

Today I gave blood! That may not seem like a big deal to you but there are so many things that I can not do. And this is one thing that I can do. The information that they gave us at the donation center says I helped 3 people by giving blood. I am celebrating a victory!

I also drove myself to the donation center and got my scooter out of the trunk by myself!

Yesterday, I went to a family birthday party also by myself! My husband was bowling in the city tournament. A really big deal to bowlers.

I also was able to go with my husband to a viewing in Fayette, OH. A trip that long is hard on me, but I went anyway to be there for a family member (of the deceased). It was hard, but I made it and am doing O.K.now.

I am very thankful to God for his help!!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Today is not a great day. I hurt, I can't think very clearly. I needed Don's help just to put clothes in the washer. Our brand new dishwasher is broken. The door lock is frozen locked. Fortunately, the door was open. We called the Whirlpool service number and they will send someone out on Monday to fix it. Don had cleaned out the fridge.(Kudos to him) and now all the plastic containers need to be washed by hand. :(
However, I want to tell you about what happened this week. Don had decided that he needed to get my car working. The battery had been dead for most of the winter. So last Sat. after he ran a errand for Cher, he retrieved our battery charger that Cher and James had borrowed earlier. Then on Tues.he charged up my car. (He had read in the obits online that someone in his hometown had died and the viewing and service would be on Sat. and he didn't want me to be stranded without transportation) On Wed. he got a new battery and got the slow leak in my front tire fixed, so now I can drive my car!!!
That evening I found out that the birthday party for one of my grandsons will be on Sat. So now I can go to the party without asking for transportation. Praise God for his goodness!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Well, I couldn't get up and go to church today, in fact I still don't feel great. Yesterday, I was in pain all day. That was hard to deal with, but we still did what we had planned. One of my sons had come over several times over the last several weeks and help us hook up the new dishwasher and helped us with our laptops. I had turned off my wireless network and didn't know how to turn it back on. Anyway, we took him for lunch and had a great visit with him. But that was all I could do so we came home and I sit for several hours until the pain subsided, then I didn't want to move because I was afraid that the pain would come back.
The weather this past week was great, nice and sunny.
I called a friend the other day. she is on facebook and she had had computer problems recently and had lost by my email address and my phone number. so she messaged me on facebook. So I decided to call her and we had a great talk. Seems, she loves to read also and then emailed me a short list of Authors she enjoyed.
Well, I can't think of anything else to say; so I will stop.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

watching the Olympics

My husband and I have been watching the Olympics this past week.. It has been quite exciting. We have cheered on Team USA, but of course, not all of them won but they certainly gave it their all and seemed to enjoy it at the same time. I am not a great sports fan,but have all watched the Olympics all my life. Now I can watch more than I could as a child. Watching the Olympics is a good way to take my mind off of my body. A Good Thing.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Super bowl Monday

Well, even though, I went out and bought a Peyton Manning Jersey and wore it during the game, my beloved Colts lost! OK maybe not beloved, still I am a fan and was a little disappointed.

Yesterday, I was in a lot of pain and am still am hurting today. I told everyone at church, yesterday, how well the inside me was doing, then last night I was feeling a little sorry for myself as I was trying to go to sleep and then the 23rd Psalm came to mind. Once again, I remembered that I was not alone, that the Living God loved me and was with me helping me to bear the pain.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Today is a so-so day. Yesterday was a day that I was both hurting and exhausted. Just to show how a bad day messes with me, I needed to get some money in the bank and I counted the cash at home and filled out the deposit slip and put in my pocket. When we got to the bank, the teller counted the money several times and I was off by a bunch! Today I am not hurting so much, but I am not feeling very well. Today, I read the last two chapters of Proverbs and was again astounded at what all the wife in Proverbs 31 did. I once tried to be her but I realize now that she is a super woman, whose husband is all he should be and that she had hired help. Anyway, I can't be her anymore, but you what? That is O.K. because God know and loves anyway.

Monday, February 1, 2010

God's Love

Today is Monday. I am doing so-so today. I got the monthly bills paid. I think I finally got the telephone cite fixed so I can pay that bill on line, instead of having to go the local office.

Yesterday was Sunday, and I was able to go to church and enjoyed the service as well talking others. It is so encouraging to talk to other people. Sometimes I miss that part of the job I had. I talked with new people every day. I am a social person. That is one of the things that I have struggled with being home all the time. But the truth of the matter is that I am better able sense God's Love when I don't have so many distractions. I know that God Loves me so much that I would not be going through all this pain and fatigue if it was not necessary. But I also know that He is With me and I don't have to go through all this by myself. That knowledge helps me relax which helps the pain not be so bad.

Just thinking about God's Love leaves speechless and almost in tears.

I guess that's all for today.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today is Saturday. I did manage to get a load in the washer. I slept in or rather I went back to sleep. My husband left around 10 A.M. His new glasses were in and he was going to pick them up, and then go to our youngest daughter's house. He was helping out by taking her foster son to an appointment in South Bend. I woke up to the phone ringing. It was the eye glass place letting Don know his new glasses were in. So after he left I went back to bed and slept some more. I felt pretty good where I got up so I took a shower and put the laundry in the washer and got my coffee. By then I was ready to relax which I did. Now it is 5:30 and I need to figure out what to do for supper. On days like this, I rest in God's Love. He is so Wonderful and Patient. Well that's all for now.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Is it a good or bad day

Today is a Good day because the Chaise Lounger that I had ordered arrived! It is SO comfortable. And it is just the right length for me. I have been waiting for this since August when we put it on lay away. We were able to finish paying for it the first part of this month and it came today. The bad part of today is almost a total lack of energy. At least I have this great lounger to lie on and be comfortable. Even though we have all this snow and it is cloudy, it is still a day that the Lord has made and He is great.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today's a new day

Today is Wed. always a full day for me. Several of us ladies have breakfast together on Wed. morning at 7AM! I am not a morning person, but this is important and I try to get there each week. Then at 10AM is a morning Bible study at our Church and I am trying to get there each week also. Today I was able to get to both of these outings and was blessed to be there. I have been trying to get back to this blog and will try to post messages more frequently. Today, my living room is a little empty and I don't have a place that is mine to sit in. We took out our couch last evening. (We being my husband, my oldest son and a son-in-law) Tomorrow we should have my brand new lounger in the living room. I am really looking forward to having the lounger. Not only will it be more comfortable as it is new, but it won't have a high back on one side, so it won't seem so confining. I need to stop so I can eat as there is a business meeting at our church tonight. As I said: a busy day.