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Friday, December 31, 2010

End of year evaluation

There have several venues that have asked us: What was the best or worst thing that happened to you this year.So, after some thought I decided that the worst thing was that Don is still not working. Also, my pain is still with me, and the fatigue was worse this year. However, the fact that God has been with me in a greater way then ever before outweighs all the bad. I am more convinced than ever how much I am loved by the Lord!!! At no time were we short of food, nor did we get utilities shut off. We still enjoy being with each other, and with the rest of our family.
Any time I was hurting really bad, and I called to God, He immediately made me aware of His Presence and His Love! So this year has been more good than bad!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

a lazy Thursday afternoon

Well I've made it through till Thursday. Anyway. I worked today folding and hanging up and sorting clothes. I'm tired of going through baskets to find something to wear. So I thought I'd do as much as I could today.I got one basket totally empty. Hooray! A small victory but a victory, nevertheless. Now I'm resting, my knee is Hurting.!
Since we had snow, there've been a lot of different birds coming to our bird feeder. We saw a junco a tufted titmouse, of course our Blue Jays and Cardinals, and lots and lots of sparrows. So my husband is outside waiting for birds to come to the birdfeeder so he can take pictures of them. He takes very good pictures and he loves to work on them so they're perfect.
I finished looking and reading at my Better Homes & Gardens magazine. Sometimes they give me ideas and sometimes it all looks like too much work. I'm listening to Christmas music this afternoon like I've been for the past two weeks. One of the radio stations is playing Christmas music all day long. That is so cool. Well I can't think of anything else to say so I guess I'll close up for today.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, December 06, 2010

today is Monday. Monday is usually a hard day for me. I'm tired after I'm tired after going to church. And sometimes we do other things that day. Even though I'm tired and I hurt. I can still have a good day. It is my choice. I can choose to be depressed because I don't feel good or I can choose to be upbeat because I've been through this before. I've had bad days before, and I'll have them again, but it's my choice what I do with them. So it's a cold, snowy December day but I'm going to listen to Christmas carols and thank God that I can do that. Then I'll meditate some more on the love that he had for us to send his son as a baby so that he might be the perfect sacrifice for us. God bless you and may you have a great day.
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