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Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today is Saturday. I did manage to get a load in the washer. I slept in or rather I went back to sleep. My husband left around 10 A.M. His new glasses were in and he was going to pick them up, and then go to our youngest daughter's house. He was helping out by taking her foster son to an appointment in South Bend. I woke up to the phone ringing. It was the eye glass place letting Don know his new glasses were in. So after he left I went back to bed and slept some more. I felt pretty good where I got up so I took a shower and put the laundry in the washer and got my coffee. By then I was ready to relax which I did. Now it is 5:30 and I need to figure out what to do for supper. On days like this, I rest in God's Love. He is so Wonderful and Patient. Well that's all for now.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Is it a good or bad day

Today is a Good day because the Chaise Lounger that I had ordered arrived! It is SO comfortable. And it is just the right length for me. I have been waiting for this since August when we put it on lay away. We were able to finish paying for it the first part of this month and it came today. The bad part of today is almost a total lack of energy. At least I have this great lounger to lie on and be comfortable. Even though we have all this snow and it is cloudy, it is still a day that the Lord has made and He is great.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today's a new day

Today is Wed. always a full day for me. Several of us ladies have breakfast together on Wed. morning at 7AM! I am not a morning person, but this is important and I try to get there each week. Then at 10AM is a morning Bible study at our Church and I am trying to get there each week also. Today I was able to get to both of these outings and was blessed to be there. I have been trying to get back to this blog and will try to post messages more frequently. Today, my living room is a little empty and I don't have a place that is mine to sit in. We took out our couch last evening. (We being my husband, my oldest son and a son-in-law) Tomorrow we should have my brand new lounger in the living room. I am really looking forward to having the lounger. Not only will it be more comfortable as it is new, but it won't have a high back on one side, so it won't seem so confining. I need to stop so I can eat as there is a business meeting at our church tonight. As I said: a busy day.