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Monday, March 22, 2010

I gave Blood today!

Today I gave blood! That may not seem like a big deal to you but there are so many things that I can not do. And this is one thing that I can do. The information that they gave us at the donation center says I helped 3 people by giving blood. I am celebrating a victory!

I also drove myself to the donation center and got my scooter out of the trunk by myself!

Yesterday, I went to a family birthday party also by myself! My husband was bowling in the city tournament. A really big deal to bowlers.

I also was able to go with my husband to a viewing in Fayette, OH. A trip that long is hard on me, but I went anyway to be there for a family member (of the deceased). It was hard, but I made it and am doing O.K.now.

I am very thankful to God for his help!!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Today is not a great day. I hurt, I can't think very clearly. I needed Don's help just to put clothes in the washer. Our brand new dishwasher is broken. The door lock is frozen locked. Fortunately, the door was open. We called the Whirlpool service number and they will send someone out on Monday to fix it. Don had cleaned out the fridge.(Kudos to him) and now all the plastic containers need to be washed by hand. :(
However, I want to tell you about what happened this week. Don had decided that he needed to get my car working. The battery had been dead for most of the winter. So last Sat. after he ran a errand for Cher, he retrieved our battery charger that Cher and James had borrowed earlier. Then on Tues.he charged up my car. (He had read in the obits online that someone in his hometown had died and the viewing and service would be on Sat. and he didn't want me to be stranded without transportation) On Wed. he got a new battery and got the slow leak in my front tire fixed, so now I can drive my car!!!
That evening I found out that the birthday party for one of my grandsons will be on Sat. So now I can go to the party without asking for transportation. Praise God for his goodness!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Well, I couldn't get up and go to church today, in fact I still don't feel great. Yesterday, I was in pain all day. That was hard to deal with, but we still did what we had planned. One of my sons had come over several times over the last several weeks and help us hook up the new dishwasher and helped us with our laptops. I had turned off my wireless network and didn't know how to turn it back on. Anyway, we took him for lunch and had a great visit with him. But that was all I could do so we came home and I sit for several hours until the pain subsided, then I didn't want to move because I was afraid that the pain would come back.
The weather this past week was great, nice and sunny.
I called a friend the other day. she is on facebook and she had had computer problems recently and had lost by my email address and my phone number. so she messaged me on facebook. So I decided to call her and we had a great talk. Seems, she loves to read also and then emailed me a short list of Authors she enjoyed.
Well, I can't think of anything else to say; so I will stop.